Thursday, 17 November 2016

A new direction in life as a Motivational Speaker

On March 8th, 2013 my dear mum Vera passed away following a massive stroke a year earlier. She was the reason for me starting swimming at a very early age and I will always be eternally grateful to her for giving me a lifelong interest which has given me so much enjoyment, enabled me to meet so many wonderful people, travel to so many places and now, to allow me to tell people about my journey as part of a new direction in my life. 

Due to work, family and political commitments over the past few years, I haven't been able to commit any decent time to swimming, so I thought I would concentrate on helping inspire others to start on their journey to successful accomplishment of their goals. I have therefore launched a new website as a joint venture for my work as an Independent local councillor, and as a motivational speaker. It is in the early stages of development, so please check on it regularly for updates.

If you are starting out on your journey to swim The English Channel, or starting out on the journey to achieving any other goal, this ancient Korean quote helped me succeed. I hope it does the same for you:-

"No matter how high the mountain is, it can be compared to a small tomb under the heaven. So if a man attempted to climb it, there would be no reason why he can't succeed. But very often one claims the mountain is too high without even attempting to climb it."

